We have been serving the town of Limington, and surrounding communities, for over one hundred years.

The Davis Memorial Library was built in 1912 and is on the National Historic Register.

The library is small, just one room, but we have a varied collection of books, both fiction and non-fiction, for adults, teens, and children. We also lend books on CD, movies on DVD, and magazines. If you are looking for a book that we do not own we can request it for you through our inter library loan system.

We have 2 computers available to the public during our open hours, and our wi-fi can be accessed from the lawn and parking area 24/7.

We have a printer/copier , and can also send outgoing fax -  we cannot make change for large bills, so please bring proper change if using these services (copy print - 15 cents for B&W per page, $1 for a full color page)

As a one room library we cannot offer private meeting space, but patrons are welcome to use the table in the center of the room, or the table in the children's section.


Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Davis Memorial Library are a non-profit group that supports the library. They conduct fundraising activities, and help promote the library. An active friends group is necessary to a public library, and new members are always welcome.

The Friends meet quarterly, and membership forms are available at the library.

The Friends of the DML have joined the clynk recycling program.

Now  you can support your library and recycle at the same time. Please take a look at the flier and find out how to join the program. It is easy.

FMI call the library at 637-2422

Status: Non-profit 501(c)(3) since 2002


Board of Trustees

Deb Doughty (2024)

Bev Foss (2027)

Katy Foss (2026)

Joyce Turrell (2024)

Mary Lawrence (2025)

The Trustees meet the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

Trustee meetings are open to the public, However, the library will be closed for business during the meetings.



The library needs your presence to meet state standards for volunteer coverage. Inquire at the library for details.


Don't have time to volunteer but still want to help? Give a little gift to the library.


Join the Friends of the Davis Memorial Library. A non-profit group which works to support the library.